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With both hands he grabbed his shoulder-length reddish hair and slicked it back, tying into a short bun. “I know, I know, I shouldn’t shout. But if the lot of ya would do your job without me telling you to, I fucking wouldn’t!” Alfred quickly swept a cloth over one of the tables in the corner. “Just.. get going, alright?” He felt stressed out and slightly overwhelmed. Tonight a whole host of people would be arriving at his inn. Alfred had gotten the letters announcing their arrivals weeks ago, all pretty curly letters, written in some expensive ink on pretty snow-white parchment. The moment he held them in his hands he knew they aught to be royal letters and sure enough, when he opened them, they were. Not only was the Eastern Queen Petunia coming to bless his humble home. Her brother and arch rival mind you, King Edmund of the West was coming as well. They’d been fighting a bloody war for years now, all for who was the rightful heir to all the lands. Fucking stupid, Alfred thought.. She always avoided the topic of cybersex, people talking privately to one another while pleasuring themselves. While she enjoyed the tease, she had never touched herself, let alone admitted to anyone that she would have liked to try. Only once had someone lured Nicole into trying it, and she just sat staring at the erotic words on the screen. It worked her up into such a state that she had to run and wake up her husband. He didn’t ask questions, he just marveled at the wanton woman who suddenly appeared in his bed. The men that Nicole met on-line often professed their love and devotion, or at least the cyber equivalent of such to her. She always made sure not to get too attached to any one person, for a good flirt never did. The person she became on-line slowly evolved into more of an alter ego than herself. This person did all the things she hoped and dreamed of, all the things that she could never do. This made things much easier to take for her, much easier to dismiss as just.
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